Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Promote to Campaign Response button is disabled in CRM Outlook - Tips & Tricks

Hi everyone,

I just wanna quick update a trick to overcome the problem when your "Promote to Campaign Response" button in CRM outlook is disabled.

The scenario here is: you send out an email to a customer via CRM Outlook. Then the customer replies and you want to convert the replied email to a campaign response (even originally the out-going email is not a part of any campaign).

Here is what will happen:

You can click "Track in CRM" button to track the replied email as below:

But when you click "View in CRM", on the email form, the "Promote to Response" is disabled
as below:

The reason for this is:  the email activity needs to be a campaign activity (belongs to a campaign).

So solve the problem, very simple. You go back and "Set Regarding" the replied email to any campaign activity you have in CRM as below:

So now the button is enabled for you to convert into campagin response ! Bingo !

Note: Sometimes, there will be another reasons that could make the "Promote to Response" button disabled also. For example, the person who want to promote an activity to a response need to be the person owns that activity at the first time. Or your CRM Settings lacks of some required features. To ensure everything is correct, you could read this article to learn 4 ways to use "Campaign Response" in CRM : 

If you have any problem with it, please email me at Im willing to discuss ;)



  1. Hi - this is a great example, but can you tell whether there are any other reasons why the 'promote to response' button would be disabled? I am a System Administrator, ran a test campaign with an activity to send emails. Responses to emails appear in Inbox and appear to be tracked to the campaign activity (though no idea how you are supposed to see that from within the CRM campaign!) but do not appear as Campaign Responses and when I View in CRM, the promote button is disabled. We have the Settings set up as directed, and would have hoped they would automatically appear as Responses or at least allow me to promote ... What am I doing wrong?!

  2. Hi, it's hard to give you any specific answer for your question, as I couldn't see in details what is exactly the situation. However, make sure you check 2 things:

    - Setting “Yes” for “Create campaign responses for incoming e-mail” :
    1. Logon to Dynamics CRM with role that has access for Settings
    2. Go to Settings | Organization settings and click on “System Settings”
    3. Click on “Marketing” tab on System Settings dialog that gets launch
    4. Select “Yes” for “Create campaign responses for incoming e-mail” and click OK. If this option is disabled then first enabled email tracking and then try again. Go to “E-mail Tracking” tab and select “Yes” for “Track e-mail” option to enable e-mail tracking also.

    - Make sure the customer's email tied to a campaign activity.

    I hope it could help you.

  3. Hi Kelly,
    Same here, all setup is done correctly, I'm the owner of all involved object and have the System Admin security role, but it doess't appear to be enough. I could make it work for a quick campaign with the very same procedure, but no way to make it work for a regular campaign.

    Some colleagues here in our training session happened to make it work provided the following: set the regarding in MS Outlook BEFORE / INSTEAD OF tracking the mail. In this case, the created mail entity in CRM is considered as a campaign response...

    I've tried to manually create a mail and set the regarding field BEFORE saving the mail, it doesn't allow to promote the mail as a campaign response.

    In all case, it is possible to promote as a campaign response the mail activity which has been generated when distributing the campaign activity (which is non sense to me, as it should be the client answer, not the initial mail which should be eligible to be promoted as a campaign response). But it is not always possible to promote the client mail response... In the end, it is quite random whether it is not possible or not (relating to our training session).

    The resource center article you mention in your post says:
    "If the recipient sends an e-mail back to your organization, Microsoft Dynamics CRM tries to match the incoming message with the e-mail activities based on information in the e-mail subject line. If Microsoft Dynamics CRM finds a match, it creates a corresponding campaign response activity"

    I think everything relies on the "... TRIES to match the incoming message...."
    What if it fails? No way to promote the incoming mail? You have to manually match the incoming mail with the initial one and promote it as a campaign response?

    Any other hints?


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Guillermo,

      Thanks for a long comment on my post. Honestly, there are still a lot of "non sense" things which are existed in current CRM. I assumed that Microsoft considers only responses from customers (could be email, phonecall, sms...) which are related to "Campaign Activities" would be treated as "Campaign Response". So in order to promote something to CR, need to tie them to a Campaign Activity first. It's just like, a sentence could not be "an answer" until it ties to "a question".

      Anw, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. Glad to receive more and more discussion from you guys :)

  4. I have streamlined a similar process in my organisation by first creating a campaign titled 'Enquiries' and then created a Campaign Activity titled 'Email Enquiry'.

    When I Set Regarding the email in Outlook as the 'Email Enquiry' Campaign Activity it makes the Campaign Response at the click of a button.

    I shared this because it may be of benefit to others reading this article.
